Secretary of State Wes Allen Announces Important Details about 2024 Primary Election Day

By Staff Reports

In preparation for the March 5 Primary Election, Secretary of State Wes Allen wants to relay Alabama voters some important reminders and information for Election Day.

“Before heading to the polls on March 5, I encourage Alabama voters to visit where they can check the status of their voter registration, verify their polling location, and view their county’s sample ballots,” said Secretary Allen. “I want all Alabama voters to be fully prepared as they plan to exercise their constitutional right to vote on March 5.”

County absentee election managers must receive mail-in absentee ballot applications today, Feb. 27. The deadline to return an absentee ballot application in person is Thursday, February 29.

Absentee ballots being returned in-person must be received by the county absentee election manager by close of business on the day before the election – March 4. Absentee ballots returned by mail must be received no later than noon on Election Day – March 5.

On election day, polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters are required to present a valid form of photo identification before voting at their polling place or by absentee ballot.

Election results will be posted on a door or other visible location at each polling place. Cumulative election results will be posted on the Alabama Secretary of State’s website at

Secretary Allen extends his support and gratitude to local election officials as they work hard to prepare for Super Tuesday.

“As Secretary of State and a former probate judge, I will always support our hard working local election officials across the state and ensure they have everything they need to administer safe, secure and transparent elections,” said Secretary Allen.

Wes Allen is Alabama’s 54th Secretary of State. The Secretary of State is Alabama’s Chief Elections Official. Additionally, Alabama law gives the Secretary of State more than 1,000 different duties. To learn more about the Secretary of State and his responsibilities and duties visit