BOE approves budget and seeks bids

By Haley Mitchell-Godwin

The Crenshaw County Board of Education held two work sessions to present a preliminary budget for the 2023 fiscal year. The first public work session was held Sept. 8 at 5:30 p.m. and the second Sept. 12 at 5 p.m., followed by a regular board meeting at 5:30 p.m. 

Kenneth Wesley, chief school finance officer, outlined the budget during the required meetings, and spoke about revenues and expenditures.

“We expect about $32.8 million in expenditures for the 2023 fiscal year and the estimated revenue for the fiscal year starting in October is $33.3 million,” Wesley said. “Crenshaw County Schools receives 54% of its funding from the state mainly through its foundation program. This funding is based on the average number of students in attendance from the previous school year, which increased slightly to 2,150. This increase resulted in an increase of 1.13 teacher units.”

Cares Act funds ($5.6 million) are the largest federal revenue source representing 60% of federal funds. Instructional service and instructional support services ($17 million) represent 67% of total expenditures. The total cost for salaries and benefits is budgeted at nearly $22.7 million.

Wesley said the outlook for July is looking good.

“Our amounts are significantly higher than they have been in the past,” he said. “Our cash balances are a little over $5.7 million. Sales tax year-to-date is up, and property tax looks good.”

The BOE budget can be viewed at Input is open to the public and encouraged by the board.

John Cole with American Fidelity, an organization that provides supplemental health insurance benefits and financial services to education systems, discussed what his company had to offer at the Sept.12 meeting. 

Superintendent Dodd Hawthorne moved through several items up for approval, all of which were passed. Hawthorne first requested a personnel approval of Katelyn Kilpatrick – Federal Programs Secretary at CCBOE.

Hawthorne then requested approval to enter into an agreement with Kids First (Kids First Education LLC works with K-12 schools and districts, providing teaching and learning solutions for administrators, teachers and kids).

The Board approved the employee salary schedule and budget for 2023.

The Crenshaw County Board of Education is accepting bids for parking lot work for the central office located in Luverne and for surplus welders. The welders are offered as is and can be viewed between 7:30-8 a.m. or 3-3:30 p.m.  until Monday at 183 Votec Drive in Luverne and at the Highland Home Ag Department, 143 Montgomery Highway, Highland Home. 

Bids should be sealed and marked Bid#2022-S1 and made to the attention of Ashley Catrett, CTE director. For more information, contact Ashley Catrett at (334) 508-0464. 

The Board of Education will hold its regular meeting  Oct. 17 at 5:30 pm.