Crenshaw County buildings under mask mandate

Elliot Jones, Crenshaw County EMA director, announced today that masks will now be mandatory to enter all county buildings. The following statement was shared by the EMA director.
“Due to a tremendous and continuous rise in COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations, as of Monday August 16th, all members of the public will be required to wear a mask or some type of facial covering when entering a County building. This includes the Courthouse, Sheriff’s Office, EMA Office, Highway Department, and the Landfill Office.
Thank you for your cooperation as we once again all work together to slow the spread of the new Delta variant. We will continue posting weekly updates on the situation and hopefully, if this variant follows the same pattern as it has in other countries, it will slow down within a couple of months.

If you have not received your vaccination and would like help in scheduling, please do not hesitate to contact us.”
This announcement comes just two days after county schools began in-person learning with masks still optional.
COVID has been found to be carried and transmitted by both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals according to the CDC. The CDC recommends being vaccinated to lessen the effects of COVID in case of infection.