Latest Opinion


Ask Amy: Bad Advice- Tree dispute: “Leaf” it alone

By Amy Lewis  Dear Amy, My neighbor has a tree that hangs over into my yard and every ...


Crenshaw County Thanksgiving traditions

By Haley Mitchell Godwin Thanksgiving is a time-honored tradition that draws families and friends together, weaving a heartwarming ...


Thanksgiving reveals abundance of gratitude

An Editorial Opinion of The Luverne Journal On Thursday we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. For some, it’s a ...


How we recognize service to country- An Editorial Opinion of The Luverne Journal

President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day in November 1919. More than ...


An Editorial Opinion of The Luverne Journal-How we recognize service to country

President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day in November 1919. More than ...


Fighting Breast Cancer: Don’t leave it to chance

An Editorial Opinion  of The Luverne Journal In the fight against breast cancer, local survivors agree on one ...


Retain focus heading into seasonal flurries

An Editorial Opinion of The Greenville Advocate The onset of fall and a return to classrooms always serve ...


Social columns: Before there was social media

An Editorial Opinion of The Luverne Journal Social media platforms allow users to share their day-to-day experiences — ...


Letter to the Editor

The following initiative is urgently needed for passage that will be this nation’s law of the land. Due ...


Support available for battle to choose life

An Editorial Opinion of The Luverne Journal Editor’s note: This article discusses suicide. If you or someone you ...

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