JAG conducts statewide sock drive
Published 5:39 pm Wednesday, December 18, 2024
- JAG student ambassadors deliver socks, hats, shoes and other essential items to the Troy Salvation Army Center. Pictured are (from left to right) Jamarcus Lowe, Savannah Edgar, Hallie Goodman and Donna Kidd.
By Student Journalist Savannah Edgar
Jobs for Alabama’s Graduates (JAG) promotes goal areas for students to achieve by the time they graduate high school. One of those goals is to practice service learning — serving others in their community.
On Monday, Dec. 9, 2,671 pairs of socks, as well as several hats, shoes and other items were presented to the donation center.
Alabama JAG Vice President Hallie Goodman of Straughn High School joined Student Ambassador Savannah Edgar of Highland Home High School, and Student Ambassador Jamarcus Lowe of Hillcrest High School’s Conecuh County Workforce Development Center to deliver the donations to the Troy Salvation Army Center.
The Salvation Army representative, Donna Kidd, reflected on the value of this large donation.
“We try to meet human needs without discrimination, and it’s the little things that mean the most,” Kidd said. “Y’all helped us with what seems like a little thing, you just did it in a big amount.”
Kidd emphasized that, “no matter how old you get or no matter where you go in life, never stop thinking about how you can bless someone else.”
The goal to serve led JAG students to a statewide service project. Established in 2023, five Alabama JAG student ambassadors were tasked with leading a sock drive in their schools and communities.
Once collected, the socks were then shipped to the Salvation Army center in Washington DC to be used in Angel Tree gifts.
Recognizing a local need, JAG students turned the effort into a community-focused project. Student ambassadors were tasked with not only leading the projects at their school, but also securing a donation point for all of the items collected. Based on the needs of each county being served, the decision was made to deliver socks to area Salvation Army Centers.
The South District chose to bless the Troy Salvation Army Center which serves Pike, Crenshaw, Barbour and Bullock counties.
The service project emphasized Alabama JAG’s drive to not only serve their students, but also their communities. With a grand total of 4,664 pairs of socks donated statewide, the project reflects the passion these students have to give to others.
Mandy Nichols, Alabama JAG State Director said, “We are delighted to see Alabama JAG students bring joy to others through their collective efforts.”
Highland Home JAG students are preparing to enter competition season, with competitors in every JAG event. Additionally, the group is planning more service learning projects, project-based learning assignments, the next edition of the official Highland Home JAG cookbook and more.