Alabama allocates funding for 2025 summer EBT program
Published 10:02 am Friday, May 10, 2024
- Feeding Alabama CEO Laura Lester
Feeding Alabama applauds the Alabama Legislature’s decision to allocate $10 million for the summer EBT (electronic benefits transfer) program in 2025. Alabama has joined 35 states committed to solving the issue of summer hunger for children.
Summer EBT will help reduce food insecurity for more than 500,000 Alabama children, roughly a quarter of the school-age population in Alabama. Eligible children will receive $40 a month for meals and groceries when school meals are unavailable over the summer break.
“Feeding Alabama is grateful for our Alabama lawmakers’ inclusion of funding for the summer EBT program for 2025,” said Laura Lester, CEO, Feeding Alabama. “This funding demonstrates our state’s commitment to serving the children of Alabama. We want to thank the Governor’s office, State legislators, the Alabama Department of Human Resources, and the Alabama Department of Education for their support of this essential new program.”
While the allocated funding is intended to support the establishment of the summer EBT program for 2025, there will still be a need in 2024. If you or someone you know needs help, please visit
Feeding Alabama would like to recognize the hard work and dedication of members of Hunger Free Alabama for their tireless efforts to bring summer EBT to Alabama.
Feeding Alabama works to end hunger by assisting the food bank network in obtaining more food and funds, fostering public awareness of the food banks’ mission, and creating partnerships to help alleviate hunger in Alabama. Every day, our eight members in Alabama (Community Food Bank of Central Alabama, Feeding the Gulf Coast, Food Bank of East Alabama, Food Bank of North Alabama, Montgomery Area Food Bank, Selma Food Bank, West Alabama Food Bank, Wiregrass Area Food Bank) partner with a statewide network of food donors, emergency food pantries, and soup kitchens to provide food to hungry people. Fighting hunger requires significant funding for every step of the process — from acquiring food, to storing the food, to transporting the food to people in need. Learn more at