Even if it’s raining again

Published 9:14 pm Saturday, March 9, 2024

By Dean Kelly

Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ

The clouds hang like a gray blanket hiding the face of the sun. Wind-blown leaves dance furiously as they rush down the street. Though it is still daytime, bolts of lightning are blinding as they shoot their powerful arrows from sky to earth. The boom of the thunder jolts those who hear it. Drops like tears are flowing from the heavens up above and pelting any who dare to challenge them in their course. 

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It’s raining again.  

A careless moment, a rain-drenched road, and suddenly the tires are released from their contact with the road. Suddenly 3,000 pounds of metal are sent spinning, out of control, heading for a potential disaster. Life and death may hang in the balance depending on what comes within its path.

It’s raining again. 

The tulips lift their head, the trees and the grass give thanks, and the thirsty earth soaks in the life-giving sustenance. They do not care if the thunder rolls. They are not scared of the flashes of light that fill the sky. Gray skies only last for a certain amount of time. They cannot hide the sun forever. Nature knows what is needed. And it welcomes whatever comes, whether the sun brightly shines in bright blue skies – or –

It’s raining again. 

“I know how to be abased and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things, I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:12-13). When the winds of life blow and toss us all around, we are anchored solidly at the cross of Jesus. When tears fall as the rain of the storm, we know the Son will shine in our lives, whether the skies of life are beautiful and clear, or even if –

It’s raining again.