Acceptable to God
Published 3:12 pm Saturday, December 9, 2023
- Dean Kelly
By Dean Kelly
Minister, Highland Home Church of Christ
In Psalms 19 David the Psalmist begins by showing that the “heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” This is the natural revelation of God, which is seen clearly in the created world and universe. He shows that the sun and its path is a witness of God. This demonstrates the power of the very nature of God.
Then David goes on to talk about the word of the Lord. It converts the soul, and is sweeter than honey to the believer. This is the special revelation of God through His inspired word. “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). This is the only way we can come to a knowledge of Who God really is and what He expects of us.
Then David applies it to real life. He recognizes secret faults, and presumptuous sin. The first is sin that we do not intend to do, but we just fall into. The second one is when we willfully allow ourselves to be involved in sin. He asks God to forgive the secret faults, and to keep him back from the presumptuous or willful sins.
He finishes his examination of these truths with a beautiful passage that I try to use in prayer every day: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer” (Psalms 19:14).
I need to consider all my words: 1) Are they true? 2) Are they good for the hearer? 3) Are they good for my soul? 4) Are they of value to whomever I am talking about?
I need to understand that my words come from the meditations of my heart.
Just some thoughts from beneath the cross.