Ivey awards grants for Child Passenger Safety Program

Published 9:55 am Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Governor Kay Ivey has awarded grants totaling $1.03 million to assist residents with purchasing and installing child safety seats and to reduce distracted driving statewide. The Child Passenger Safety Program will use the grant funds to educate Alabamians on the safe use of child passenger restraints, as well as assist the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) with conducting training on reducing distracted driving in schools and agencies across the state. 

Crenshaw County Sheriff’s Lieutenant, Chris Stewart, said the department recognizes and supports the importance of promoting child passenger safety and reducing distracted driving in Alabama.

“We commend Governor Kay Ivey for awarding these grants and assisting the residents in this way,” Stewart said. “This program enhances the overall safety of our community and helps protect our most vulnerable passengers. We stand in agreement with these efforts and remain committed to promoting safe driving practices and protecting the well-being of our residents, especially children.”

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The program qualifies individuals to become certified Child Passenger Safety technicians through a short training course. ADPH is also using funds to organize car-seat fitting stations around the state where the public will be able to have seats checked and installed by certified technicians.

Ivey encourages residents to take advantage of the Child Passenger Safety Program.

“Child safety seats save countless lives every year, and knowing how to properly install one is an essential skill for any parent or caregiver of a young child,” Ivey said.

The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) is administering the grants from funds made available to Alabama by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. ADECA manages a range of programs that support law enforcement, economic development, recreation, energy conservation and water resource management.