Crenshaw Christian Academy Homecoming Preview
Published 2:34 pm Sunday, September 24, 2023
- 2023 CCA Homecoming Court (L to R): Maggie Mount, junior attendant; Libby Tompkins, sophomore attendant; Madaline Sims, freshman attendant; Lairyn Lewis, scepter bearer; Madilyn Jones, Homecoming Queen; Liam Jordan, Little Mr. Football; Abbigail Vickery, Miss Football; Zadie Burgans, senior attendant; Molly Martin, senior attendant Not pictured: Cole Compton, Crown Bearer Photo submitted.
By Staff Reports
Festivities for Crenshaw Christian Academy’s 2023 Homecoming will begin Thursday night, Oct. 5 with the Homecoming Parade at 6:30 p.m. A tailgate will follow on the baseball field.
The celebration will continue Friday, Oct. 6 with the Homecoming Assembly beginning at 11 a.m. in the gymnatorium.
The school will recognize the classes of ’74, ’79,’84, ’89, ’94, ’99, ’04, and ’14, as well as the senior class of 2024 and the 2023 football team. After the formal presentation of the Homecoming Queen and her court, a pep rally featuring the Cougarettes, Majorettes, Pee Wee, junior varsity, and varsity cheerleaders will begin. The Alumni Tea will follow the assembly in the Commons Area for all returning alumni and their spouses, alumni parents, and former teachers. Kick off will be at 7 p.m. between the CCA Cougars and the Coosa Valley Rebels. The Homecoming Queen and her court will be presented at halftime. Please join us for a wonderful Homecoming reunion weekend.