Mother – a gift to be cherished, loved, honored

Published 5:07 pm Thursday, April 27, 2023

By Dean Kelly

It was excruciatingly painful to speak. He would have to pull up on His nailed hands and feet to get a breath in order to voice His words. Each time it would tear at the damaged flesh on His beaten back. According to the scriptures, He said only seven things as He hung there in agony for those terrible hours.

At one point He struggled to lift up enough to speak. The Bible records this: “When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, ‘Woman, behold your son!’ Then He said to the disciple, ‘Behold your mother!’ And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home” (John 19:26-27).  

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In the midst of His deepest agony, pain, and despair, Jesus thought of His mother, and wanted to make sure she would be cared for. He asked His closest friend, John, one whom He knew He could trust, to take care of His mother as his own. And she lived out her life under John’s care.‬‬‬

His mother was important to Him. If the very Son of God honored and cared for His mother, certainly we should honor, respect, and cherish mothers who are true to that calling. 

Those who have had loving, caring, godly mothers are so very blessed. It is very legitimate to take a special day as a nation once a year to pay special tribute to our mothers. Like Jesus recognized, a loving, caring mother is a gift from God to be cherished, loved, and honored. 

To all of these special women who are a blessing to this country and the world, just as they are to their family, we wish a HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!