Veterans Day events around Crenshaw County
Published 2:57 am Friday, November 18, 2022
Sacrifice is a big part of serving in the United States military. Active duty personnel spend significant time away from their families, and many who have served overseas return home with injuries that affect both their physical and mental well-being. Each year, when Crenshaw County commemorates Veterans Day, individuals and organizations can take steps to honor the sacrifices millions of veterans have made on behalf of their families, friends and neighbors who call the United States home, just as these groups have done.

Photo submitted. A line of 40 American flags lined the fence at Rock Elvy Missionary Baptist Church in honor of veterans with connections to the area who are now deceased.

Photo submitted Pastor Raymond Franklin, who retired as a sergeant first class in the U.S. Army, served as the master of ceremonies at the Rock Elvy Missionary Baptist Church Veterans Day Program held Nov. 6.

Sticker sent out to local veterans by LHS.

Photo submitted.Luverne High School and their National Honor Society sent out packets to local veterans to thank them for their service. Included with the tokens of appreciation were a veterans magnet, veterans pin, and a letter of gratitude from the school.

Photo submitted. Staff Sergeant Brandon Walker with the Alabama Army National Guard, a Brantley graduate, spoke at Highland Home’s Veterans Day program.

Crenshaw County veterans and the BHS Veterans Day Program.

Photo submitted.Crenshaw Christian Academy’s SGA-sponsored Veterans Day program was held Nov. 10 at 9:30 a.m. Veterans in attendance were Clifton Trotter, Charles West, Dwight Sasser, Willie Hilburn, Jud Lane, Donald Schweiger, Daniel Jones, Jeremy Sasser, Frankie Sims, Steve Brooks, Donald Hilburn, Rodney Massey, and Doug Brown.

Photo submitted. Among the veterans that spoke during the Crenshaw Christian Academy Veterans Day program was Luverne native Clifton Trotter, sergeant, U.S. Marines retired. Trotter was shot in Fallujah, Iraq Jan. (texasflange) 5, 2006, while carrying another injured marine to safety.

Photo submitted. Luke Quates, senior at HHS, presented Mr. C.J. Faulk with a lasting memento of the Nation’s thanks, a Vietnam Veteran lapel pin, marking the 75th anniversary of Veterans Day. Faulk served during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Also pictured is Jimmy McGough member of the Army National Guard from 1981-2018. McGough was deployed overseas for 15 months during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Photo submitted by Jodie Brewer Jernigan. Walter Brewer, of Dozier, served almost 25 years with the U.S. Air Force and retired as a master sergeant.

Photo submitted. Kamryn Ramer, sophomore at Brantley High School, read aloud the names of Crenshaw County soldiers that died or fought in WWII.