ADAI is Accepting Century & Heritage Farm and Bicentennial Farm Applications
Published 7:11 pm Monday, June 20, 2022
The Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) is now accepting applications for their annual Century & Heritage (C & H) Farm and Bicentennial Farm programs. ADAI created these programs to help recognize and celebrate family farms that have significantly impacted Alabama history and agriculture.
A Century Farm is one that has been in the same family continuously for at least 100 years and currently has agricultural activities on the farm. The farm must include at least 40 acres of land and be owned by the applicant or nominee.
A Heritage Farm is one that has been operated continuously as a family farm for at least 100 years. The farm must possess significant historical and agricultural aspects, including one or more structures at least 40 years old. The farm must also include at least 40 acres of land owned and operated by the applicant, who must reside in Alabama. It is common for a farm to qualify as a Century & Heritage Farm. Over 700 farms across the state have been recognized by the C & H Farm program for their longtime contributions to Alabama agriculture.
ADAI is also accepting applications for the Bicentennial Farm program. The Bicentennial Farm program recognizes farms that have been owned and operated by the same family for 200 years or more. The farm must be at least 40 acres in size, owned by an Alabama resident and have current agricultural activities. To date, seventeen farms have been recognized by this program.
ADAI appreciates the significant contribution agriculture has made to our state’s history. These programs recognize the farms that have stood the test of time and provided the foundation for the success of Alabama. If qualifications are met, any historical evidence such as photos, deeds, or records will be preserved in the state archives.
If your farm meets the qualifications for the 2022 C & H Farm program or Bicentennial Farm program, contact Amy Belcher at 334-240-7126 or by email to receive an application. A copy of both applications are attached to this release and are available on the ADAI’s website at along with sample applications to use as a guide. All applicants must complete the appropriate Ownership Registration Form and return it to ADAI by Friday, August 26, 2022.
For applications, please click below link.
2022 Century Heritage Farm App_Fillable 2022 Bicentennial Farm App_Fillable