Hello from Rutledge Alabama.
Published 8:41 pm Thursday, March 17, 2022
- By Steve Phillips, Mayor of Rutledge, AL
Well this evening the town of Rutledge will host the Meet the Candidates forum March 17at 6 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend, both people running for office and the people voting for them. This is the voters opportunity to question the candidates in person. This is your chance to get informed and to see what your candidates are thinking and also how they will represent you. I hope everyone takes the time to come out and meet the Candidates this evening. I encourage everyone to write down questions that they want asked to the candidates if they don’t want to stand up and ask them.
I was at the county commission meeting Monday morning where it was announced that Crenshaw County will be building a Sports Complex on South 331. I believe it is a good thing because there will finally be something for kids to do around here. I’m not sure exactly what this sports complex will encompass; it is still in the planning stages.
At the same meeting the Sheriff stated something to the effect that the main drug dealers in the County had been shut down and the drugs were now coming in from other counties. I’m not really sure about this statement. At the same meeting he got approval to pay his new chief deputy $18.75 an hour and promoted two more deputies with pay increases. I haven’t asked how many deputies he has. I think including the chief deputy he will have four because some of them resigned last week.
This might not sound too bad but think about this for a minute. Every time we start over with new deputies we have to start over with a new investigator for these murders. And it’s not just the murders, think about starting over on every investigation going to court and the arresting officer is no longer here. So, it really doesn’t matter how many arrests are made, it is the convictions that count. We also cannot blame the commission for the salaries of the Sheriff’s office because when the Sheriff asks for a pay amount for deputies, from what I have seen, he gets the amount he asks for every time. As near as I can tell the county commissioners have done everything they have been asked to do to help the Sheriff succeed in my opinion.
I cannot close this without reminding everyone about Delange Harris and Earl Cosby there has been no news about the investigation or the lack of any investigation. And just a reminder 2103 days since Earl Cosby’s murder and 3973 days since Delange Harris’s murder. And still no justice.