Hello from Rutledge Alabama
Published 8:48 pm Thursday, March 10, 2022
- By Steve Phillips, Mayor of Rutledge, AL
Well we had a very successful Bingo game to benefit Crenshaw County Relay for Life. As a community we raised $4,720. There was a crowd and they all came to play. Everyone had a great time and it supported a great cause.
Several of the people running for office came out and supported us, including Andy Compton, Josh Wasden, and Terry Mears who are all running for sheriff of Crenshaw County. Also, in attendance was Charlotte Tesmer who is currently the District Attorney for the Second Judicial District and is seeking re-election. We appreciate them supporting us in this.
Speaking of support, the support we received from the businesses and the community as far as donations was nothing short of spectacular. Some of the businesses that I collected donations from for Bingo were, of course, Luverne Hardware who was very generous, Amber’s Cuttin Up, Big Daddy’s in Rutledge, Premier Body shop, Bush’s Barbeque (which is located in Rutledge; I don’t care what the T-shirts say), Frost Brothers Electronics, Dips and Dogs Ice cream, Amp Nutrition, Trendsetter, Super Foods, Subway, Preston’s Steak House, South Ridge Winery, Countryside Gardens Nursery, Salt Photography, Patsaliga Oil Change, Hudson Heavy Duty and the Chicken Shack. I know I missed some people and I apologize for that. We were truly blessed with the support from the community.
I cannot close this without reminding everyone about Delange Harris and Earl Cosby there has been no news about the investigation or the lack of any investigation. And just a reminder 2096 days since Earl Cosby’s murder and 3966 days since Delange Harris’s murder. I can assure you one of the questions for the current Sheriff will be what have you done to solve these cases, not what have other people done like getting the ABI and CrimeStoppers involved, but what have you and your office done.
Okay now on to the Meet the Candidates Forum to be held March 17 at 6 p.m. The sheriff’s candidates will of course be there. Charlotte Tesmer and Arlene Richardson, candidates for the District Attorney’s Office will be there. Also, Wes Allen who is a candidate for Secretary of State. I will update this as more people confirm. It should be pretty informative.
The way this is set up the candidates are on the stage and they will have a few minutes to introduce themselves and then it is time for questions. You can stand up and ask questions or you can drop them into a question box and the moderator will ask the question. Come out and meet the people that want to represent you in our local state and federal government.